Wow! Thank you for your comment! The entire article is about black women, yet you found a way to divert it towards black men and Hispanics! It’s even more entertaining that you’ve thrown in the idea of returning awards. And chefs kiss to your brillant idea that we take black mens awards away because two years ago one man earned one! I love it!
Then you use baseless numbers and percentages to demonstrate just how smart, rational, and objective you are in denying the issues raised here, and thus confidently inserting yourself in a conversation you don’t belong in.
I will be using your response as a textbook example of how institutions uphold racial discrimination by: denying and ignoring inequality, creatively using arbitrary data and metrics to reframe equality as a zero sum paradigm of winners and losers only, injecting faux concerns about other marginalized groups to negate concerns voiced by one group, and the classic, moving the goal post of objectivity to uphold inequality. Again thank you!